Top 10 Inspirational Motivational Quotes #17


Bhagavad Gita
Bhagavad Gita 

"All-Purpose Served By A Small Well Can At Once Be Served By A Great Reservoir Of Water. Similarly, All The Purpose Of The Vedas Can Be Served To One Who Knows The Purpose Behind Them"

"A Karma Yogi Performs Action By Body, Mind, Intellect, And Senses, Without Attachment Or Ego, Only For Selfpurification"

"A Man Who Sees Action In Inaction And Inaction And Inaction In Action Has Understanding Among Men And Discipline In All Action He Performs"

"The Man Of Self - Control, Roaming Among Material Objects With Subjugated Senses And Devoid Of Attraction And Repulsion, Attains An Unshakable Inner Calmness"

"He Who Is Everywhere Non-Attached, Neither Joyously Excited By Encountering Good Nor Disturbed By Evil, Has An Established Wisdom"

"One Should Unhesitatingly Accept Krishna As The supreme Savior Of All Living Entities. With Faith And Love, One Should Surrender Unto Him"

"Revival Of Krishna Consciousness By The Individual Living Entity Is The Highest Perfectional Stage Of Vedic Knowledge"

"In This World, There Is No Purifier As Great As Knowledge, He Who Has Attained Purity Of Heart Through Prolonged Practice Of Karmyog, Automatically Sees The Light Of Truth In The Self In Course Of Time"

"Better Indeed Is Knowledge Than Mechanical Practice. Better Than Knowledge Is Meditation. But Better Still Is Surrender Of Attachment To Results, Because There Follows Immediate Peace"

"I Am The Source Of All Spiritual And Material World. Everything Emanates From Me. The Wise Who Perfectly Know This Engage In My Devotional Service And Worship Me With All Their Hearts"

These Quotes Are From Bhagavad Gita

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