Top 10 Inspirational Quotes #7

Swami Vivekananda
Swami Vivekananda

"No Life Will Be failure; There Are No Such Things As Failure In The Universe. A Hundred Times Man Will Hurt Himself, A Thousand Times He Will Tumble, But In The End, He Will Realise That He Is God" 

"An Uncultured Man Loves The Pleasure Of The Senses Inrtensely; As He Became Cultured, He Began To Love Intellectual Pleasures, And His Sense-Enjoyments Became Less And Less"

"Like Me Or Hate Me, Both Are In My Favor, If You Like Me I am In Your Heart If You Hate Me I Am In Your Mind"

"Be The Servant While Leading, Be Unselfish, And Never Listen To One Friend In Private Accusing Another"

"There Are Thousand Of Microbes Surrounding Us, But They Cannot Harm Us Unless We Became Weak"

"Supreme Value Of Youth Period Is Incalculable And Indescribable. Youth life Is Most Precious Life"

"Practical Patriotism Means Not A Mere Sentiment Or Even Emotion Of Love Of the Motherland, But A Passion To Serve Our Fellow"

"It Is Culture That Withstands Shocks, Not A Simple Mass Of Knowledge"

"The Best Thermometer To The Progress Of A Nation Is Its Treatment Of Its Women"

"Think For Yourself. No Blind Belief Can Save You, Work Out Your Own Salvation" 

These Quotes are by Swami Vivekananda

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