In Affiliate Marketing Major Mistakes Done by Marketers #2

3 – Sticking With MMO Products 


MMO, or Make Dollars Online, is one of the most financially moneymaking markets there is, but it’s a mistake to concentrate solely on that one market. Did you know that truly the biggest internet marketing (I.M.) gurus have diversified into other markets? 

That’s because any niche, no matter how moneymaking, has a maximum income cap that you can reach. Ultimately, you could reach nearly the entire market, and your income will witness because you have nothing new to deal with them and no way to add new value. 

Sure, this is an extreme sample. The fact is, no demand has an absolute cap, because new clients are being born and growing up all the time. But think about it. Once you’ve hit a table, your earnings stagnate. 

Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketing 

But if you diversify, if you shift out into other markets, you’ll always have brand-new products to promote. You’ll always have new value to add. You’ll always be suitable to make dollars because you’re not pigeonholed into one specific market. 

I know it may be tempting to start with the MMO niche because it can be extremely economic and you’re learning a lot about it yourself, but unless you can help someone in that niche because you're an expert yourself, you’re better off trying a niche where you have other to add. 

4 – Spreading Yourself Too Thin 


The temptation is great, especially for new affiliate marketers, to spread themselves too thin by branching out into too numerous markets. Perhaps they buy 50 domains all at one time, or they set up blogs in 13 different niches in one week. But this is foolery. 

You should concentrate on one or two vital niches at a time, and diversify once you’ve made some real progress into those niches. Unless you can hire someone to manage multiple blogs, multiple products, multiple email lists, multiple social media pages, and accounts … you’re doing yourself a huge injustice if you diversify too extensively in the start. 

Choose two or three markets originally, and only diversity further once you’ve really made some real progress into those first niches. Once you have some decent business, a small mailing list that’s growing, some social media presence that’s making a difference … more you can allow about trying out new niches. 

Don’t make the mistake of spreading out too far too fast. You’ll find that you can no way make a real difference in any one niche because you aren’t putting enough trouble into one to make any progress. 

Affiliate Marketing Promotions
Affiliate Marketing Promotions

 5 – Joining Too multiple Affiliate Programs 

Another major temptation for affiliate marketers is to join too multiple affiliate programs because they aren’t sure which one will be the most moneymaking for them. Well, let me let you in on a little secret. 

They can ALL be profitable for you! 

Trust me, as long as you’re sticking to the legal affiliate programs with well-known companies, you’re nearly always going to see some nice results. There’s a reason why their affiliate programs are so popular! 

Choose your two or three starter niches, and also find 2-3 affiliate programs for each one. Make sure you can find at least one really hot product at each affiliate program that looks like it'll convert easily in your niche, and also stick to upgrading that product for a while before you try existent new. 

Still, you’ll find that you take an actually long time to reach the minimal payouts demanded each affiliate program, because you’ll be making $2 then If you join too multiple affiliate programs at onetime. 

It’s much better to deal with three different products via one single affiliate program than it's to deal with fifty products from thirty-five different affiliate programs. 

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