Top 10 Inspirational Motivational Quotes #18

Bhagavad Gita
Bhagavad Gita

"Not A Blade Of Grass Moves Without The Will Of The Supreme Personality Of Godhead. Thus everything Is Moving Under His Will. By His Will Everything Is Being Created, Everything Is Being Maintained And everything Is Being Annihilated"

"The Mystics Derive Unlimited Transcendental Pleasure From The Absolute Truth, And Therefore The Supreme Absolute Truth, The Personality Of Godhead, Is Also Known As Rama"

"The Only Method To Get Out Of This Puzzle Of Material Existence Is To Become Krishna Conscious"

"As The Vedas Are eternal, So This Truth Of Krishna Consciousness Is Also Eternal"

"A Person In FullConsciousness Of Me, Knowing Me To Be The Ultimate Beneficiary Of All Sacrifices And Austerities, The Supreme Lord Of All Planets And Demigods And The Benefactor And Well Wisher Of All Living Entities, Attains Peace From The Pangs Of Material Miseries"

"I am The Source Of All Spiritual And Material World. Everything Emamates From Me. The Wise Who Perfectly Know This Engage In My Devotional Service And Worship Me With All Their Hearts"

"There Is No Truth Superior To Me. Everything Rests Upon Me, As Pearls Are Strung On A Thread"

"Know That All Opulent Beautiful And Glorious Creations Spring From But A Spark Of My Splendor"

"One Who Is Sufficiently Intelligent Should Practice The Activities Of Devotional Service From The Tender Age Of Childhood"

"The Lord Is The Only Proprietor Of Everything In The Universe And He Is The Original Creator"

These Quotes Are From Bhagavad Gita

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