Top 10 Inspirational Motivational Quotes #12

Bhagavad Gita
Bhagavad Gita

"And Whosoever, Leaving The Body, Goes Forth Remembering Me Along At The Time Of Death, He Attains My Being, There Is No Doubt About This"

"We Are Kept From Our Goal, Not By Obstacles, But By A Clear Path To A Lesser Goal"

"No One Should Abandon Duties Because He Sees Defects In Them, Every Action, Every Activity, Is Surrounded By Defects As Fire Is Surrounded By Smoke"

"High Than Senses Be The Heart, Higher Still Is The Mind Apart, And Beyond It But Does Be Truly, The Divine Atma - Most Certainly. Though Path Of Self Realization Be, You Overcomeing Your Sense Totally, Then You Shall Merge Victoriously,Conquering Enemies Within Surely"

"Habit Born Of Past Actions May Give Us Good Karma, But Karma Itself Must Be Transcended In Dedication To The Truth"

"Meet This Transient World With Neither Grasping Nor Fear. Trust The Unfolding Of Life, And You Will Attain True Serenity"

"The Meaning Of Karma Is In The Intention. The Intention Behind Action Is What Matters. Those Who Are Motivated Only By Desire For The Fruits Of Action Are Miserable, For They Are Constanly Anxious About The Results Of What They Do"

"It Is True That The Mind Is Restless And Difficult To Control. But It Can Be Controlled Through Regular Practice And Detachment. Those Who Lack Self Control Will Find It Difficult To Progress In Meditation, But Those Who Are Self Controlled, Striving Earnestly Through The Right Means, Will Attain The Goal"

"There Has Never Been A Timer When You And I Have Not Existed, Nor Will There Be A Time When We Will Cease To exist. As The Same Person Inhabits The Body Through Childhood, Youth, And Old Age, So Too At The Time Of Death, He Attains Another Body. The Wise Are Not Deluded By These Changes"

"No Work Stains A Man Who Is Pure, Who Is In Harmony, Who Is Master Of His Life, Whose Soul Is One With The Soul Of All"

These Quotes Are From Bhagavad Gita

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