Top 10 Inspirational Motivational Quotes #9

Bhagavad Gita
Bhagavad Gita

"For The Senses Wander, And When One Lets The Mind Follow Them, It Carries Wisdom Away Like A Windblown Ship On The Waters"

"The Wise Grieve Neither For The Living Nor For The Dead. There Was Never A Time When You And I And All The Kings Gathered Here Have Not Existed And Nor Will There Be A Time When We Will Cease To Exist"

"He Is The Source Of Light In All Luminous Objects. He Is Beyond The Darkness Of Matter And Is Unmanifested. He Is Knowledge, He Is The Object Of Knowledge, And He Is The Goal Of Knowledge. He Is Situated In Everyone's Heart"

"I Enter Into Each Planet, And By My Energy, They Stay In Orbit. I Become The Moon And Thereby Supply The Juice Of Life To All Vegetables"

"It Is Nature That Causes All Movement. Deluded By The Ego, The Fool Harbors The Perception that Says "I Did It"."

"We Never Really Encounter The World; All We Experience Is Our Own Nervous System"

"Selfish Action Imprisons The World. Act Selflessly, Without Any Thought Of Personal Profit"

"Reshape Yourself Through The Power Of Your Will; Never Let Yourself Be Degraded By Self- Will"

"The True Goal Of Action Is Knowledge Of The Self"

"When Consciousness Is Unified, However, All Vain Anxiety Is Left Behind. There Is No Cause For Worry, Whether Things Go Well Or Unwell"

These Quotes Are From Bhagavad Gita

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