Top 10 Inspirational Motivational Quotes #10

Bhagavad Gita
Bhagavad Gita

"Real Independence Means Complete Faith In The Mercy Of The Lord Without Dependence On The Conditions Of Matter"

"If You Perform The Sacrifice Of Doing Your Duty, You Do Not Have To Do Anything Else Devoted To Duty, Man Attains Perfection"

"Actions Do Not Cling To Me Because I Am Not Attached To Their Results, Those Who Understand This And Practise It Live In Freedom"

"When A Person Is Devoted To Something With Complete Faith, I Unify His Faith In That. Then, When His Faith His Completely Unified, He Gains The Object Of His Devotion"

"For One Who Have Conquered His Mind, Mind Is Best Of Friends, But For One Who Has Failed To Do So, Mind Is The Greatest Enemy"

"Perform Your Obligatory Duty, Because Action Is Indeed Better Than Inaction"

"Why Do You Worry Unnecessarily? Whom Do You Fear? Who Can Kill You? The Soul Is Neither Born Nor Dies"

"When Meditation Is Mastered, The Mind Is Unwavering Like The Flame Of A Lamp In A Windless Place"

"The Mind Is Fickle, It Won't Obey You, Every Time The Mind Misbehaves, Use Your Discretionary Intellect To Bring It Back To The Equanimous Position"

"Each man Is A Mixture Of All the Three Tendencies: Divinely Noble, Vibrantly Restless And Indolently Dull, The Wise Man Transcreds All These Three Qualities"

These Quotes Are From Bhagavad Gita

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