Top 10 Inspirational Quotes That Inspire You #8

Swami Vivekananda
Swami Vivekananda

"When I Asked God For Brain And Brawn He Gave Me Puzzles In Life To Solve"

"When I Asked God For Happiness He Showed Me Some Unhappy People"

"When I Asked God For Wealth He Showed Me How To Work Hard"

"When I Asked God For Favors He Showed Me Opportunities To Work Hard"

"When I Asked God For Peace He Showed Me How To Help Others"

"God Gave Me Nothing I Wanted He Gave Me Everything I Needed"

"The Moment I Have Realised God Sitting In The Temple Of Every Human Body, The Moment I Stand In Reverence Before Every Human Being And See God In Him - That Moment I Am Free From Bondage, Everything That Binds Vanishes, And I Am Free"

"Blessed Are The Pure In Heart, For They Shall See God." This Sentence Alone Would Save Mankind If All Books And Prophets Were Lost. This Purity Of Heart Will Bring The Vision Of God. It Is The Theme Of The Whole Music Of This Universe. In Purity Is No Bondage. Remove The Veils Of Ignorance By Purity; Then We Manifest Ourselves As We Realy Are And Know That We Were Never In Bondage. The Seeing Of Many Is The Great Sin Of All The World. See All As Self And Love All; Let All Idea Of Separateness Go"

"What Was Wanted Was Not A Man, But A Woman - A Real Lioness - To Work For The Indians ... Your Education, Sincerity, Purity, Immense Love, Determination And Above All, The Celtic Blood Make You Just The Woman Wanted"

"The Greatest Religion Is To Be True To Your Own Nature. Have Faith In Yourselves"

These Quotes are by Swami Vivekananda

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