Top 10 Inspirational Motivational Quotes #3


"In A Potters Shop There Are Vessels Of Different Shapes And Forms- Pots, Jars, Dishes, Plates Etc. But All Are Made Of One Clay. So God Is One, But Is Worshipped In Different Ages And Climes Under Different Names And Aspects"

"I Practiced Each Religion For A Time - Hinduism, Islam, Christianity. Further More, I Followed The Paths Of The Saktas, Vaishnavas, And Vedantists. I Realized That There Is Only One God Toward Whom All Are Travelling; But The Paths Are Different"

"The World Contain A Mixture Of Truth And Untruth. Discard The Untruth And Take The Truth. Even Those Engaged In Worldly, Activities, Such As Office Work Or Business, Should Hold To The Truth. Truthfulness Alone Is The Spiritual Discipline In The Kaliyuga. Dwell In The Truth And You Will Certainly Realize God"

"Although God Resides In All Human Beings, Still There Are Good Man And Bad Man; There Are Lovers Of God And Those Who Do not Love God. We Should Recognize Divinity In All, But We Should Not Mix With Bad People Or With Those Who Do Not Love God. Our Relation With Them Must Not Be Very Close. It Is Wise To Avoid The Company Of Such People"

"Do Not Let Worldly Thought And Anxieties Disturbed Your Mind. Do Everything That Is Necessary In The Proper Time, And Let Your Mind Be Always Fixed On God"

"Path Of Love Is The Easier Way To Realize God."

"Pure Knowledge And Pure Love Are One And The Same Thing. Both Lead The Aspirants To The Same Goal. The Path Of Love Is Much Easier"

"Be Not A Traitor In Your Thoughts. Be Sincere; Act According To Your Thought; And You Shall Surely Succeed. Pray With A Sincere And  Simple Heart, And Your Prayer Will Be Heard"

"One Cannot Have The Vision Of God As Long As One Has These Three - Shame, Hatred, And Fear."

"The Goal Of Life Is Not The Earning Of Money But The Service Of God"

These Quotes Are By Ramakrishna Paramhans  

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