Top 10 Inspirational Motivational Quotes #8

Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa

"At The End Of Our Lives, We Will Not Judge By How Many Diplomas We Have Received, How Much Money We Have Made Or How Many Great Thing We Have Done. We, Will, Be Judged By, I Was Hungry And You Gave Me To Eat. I Was Naked And You Clothed Me. I Was Homeless And You Took Me In"

"God Taught Us How To Forgive Out Of Love, How To Forgot Out Of Humility. So Let Us Examine Our Hearts And See If There Is Any Unforgiven Hurt, Any Unforgotten Bitterness, It Is Easy To Love Those Who Are Right Next To Us. It Is easier To Offer Food To The Hungry Than To Answer The Lonely Suffering Of Someone Who Lacks Love Right In One"

"Failure Is Merely Feedback That There Is Something Blocking The Path Of The Emergence And Expansion Of The Greatest Version Of Yourself"

"I Do Make Conversion If Conversion Means Really Turning People To God, To Have A Clean Heart And To Love God. That's The Real Conversion"

"If Your Eyes Are Positive, You Will Love The World. But If Your Tongue Is Positive, The World Will Love You"

"I Prefer You To Make Mistakes In Kindness Than Work Miracles In Unkindness"

"The Greatest Threat To World Peace Is Abortion!"

"By Blood, I Am Albanian, By Citizenship, An Indian, By Faith, I Am Catholic Nun. As To My Calling, I Belong To The World, As To My Heart, I Belong Entirely To The Heart Of God"

"I See God In Every Human Being. When I Wash The Leper's Wounds, I Feel I Am Nursing The Lord Himself. Is It Not A Beautiful Experience?"

"A Life Not Lived For Others Is Not A Life"

These Quotes are by Mother Teresa

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