Optimistic Ethics of Life

All understanding that the world has ever acquired comes from the mind; the countless library of the universe is your personal mind. The external world is in reality the proposal, the occasion, which units you to look at your very own mind, but the object of your have a look at is always your own mind. 

Newtons Gravitational Theory
Newtons Gravitational Theory
The falling of an apple gave the thought to Newton, and he studied his own mind; he rearranged all the preceding links of thought in his mind and discovered a new link among them, which we call the regulation of gravitation. It changed not inside the apple nor in something inside the middle of the earth.

Vivekananda believed training is the manifestation of perfection already in guys. 

Respect In Yourself
Respect In Yourself

He notion it's miles a pity that the prevailing system of schooling did not enable someone to face his personal feet, nor did it teach him self belief and self-respect. … To him, education becomes the assimilation of noble thoughts.

He believed in the essential unity of man and god.

Unity Of Man And God
Unity Of Man And God

He believed that it was only in selflessness and in consciously trying to serve the larger humanity that one truly gained a perspective on religion and God. This thought laid emphasis on the Karma Marga of Bhagavad-Gita.

Ethics according to Vivekananda was nothing but a code of conduct that helps a man to be a good citizen. 

Supreme Sprit
Supreme Sprit

We should be pure because purity is our real nature, our true divine Self or Atman. Similarly, we should love and serve our neighbors because we are all one in the Supreme Spirit known as Paramatma or Brahman.

Ethics Of Finance
Ethics Of Finance

Ethics in Finance talks about financial behavior or activities that are ethically right or wrong. … 

It is generally used for describing finance which takes into account the ethical channelization of financial returns along with ESG (environmental, social, and governance) factors.

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