Top 10 Inspirational Motivational Quotes #11

Bhagavad Gita
Bhagavad Gita

"When Your Mind Has Overcome The Confusion Of Duality, You Will Attain The State Of Holy Indifference To Things You Hear And Things You Have Heard"

"Just As The Dweller In This Body Passes Through Childhood, Youth And Old Age, So At Death, He Merely Passes Into Another Kind Of Body. The Wise Are Not Deceived By That"

"Whatever You Do, Make It An Offering To Me, The Food You Eat, The Sacrifices You Make, The Help You Give, Even Your Suffering"

"One day Of Brahma Lasts A Thousand Cycles Of The Four Ages (Maha Yug) And His Night Also Extends For The Same Span Of Time. The Wise Who Know This Understand The Reality About Day And Night"

"I Radiate Heat As The Sun, And I Withhold, As Well As Send Forth Rain. I Am Immortality As Well As Death Personified. I Am The Spirit As Well As Matter"

"Death Is As Sure For That Which Is Born, As Birth Is For That Which Is Dead. Therefore Grieve Not For What Is Inevitable"

"The Senses, Mind, And Intellect are Said To Be Breeding Grounds Of Desire. Through Them, Desire Clouds One's Knowledge And deludes The Embodied Soul"

"Seek Refuge In The Attitude Of Detachment And You Will Amass The Wealth Of Spiritual Awareness. The One Who Is Motivated Only By The Desire For The Fruits Of Their Action. And Anxious About The Results, Is Miserable Indeed"

"Be Steadfast In The Performance Of Your Duty, Abandoning Attachment To Success And Failure. Such Equanimity Is Called Yog"

"Negativity Around Is Not The Problem, Problem Is When That Negativity Gets Inside You"

These Quotes Are From Bhagavad Gita

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