Top 10 Inspirational Quotes #7

Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa

"Kind Words Can Be Short And Easy To Speak. But Their Echoes Are Truly Endless"

"A Sacrifice To Be Real Must Cost, Must Hurt, And Must Empty Ourselves. Give Yourself Fully To God. He Will Use You To Accomplish Great Things On The Condition That You Believe Much More In His Love Then In Your Weakness"

"I Am A Littel Pencil In The Hand Of A Writing God Who Is Sending A Love Letter To The World"

"If I Ever Become a saint, I Will Surely Be One Of  'Darkness'. I Will Continually Be Absent From Heaven, To Light The Light Of Those In Darkness On Earth"

"Prayer Cannot Be Switched On And Switched Off. Prayer Is Oneness. Fulness Of Attention Is Not Possible, But Fulness Of Intention. For Whom? That Act Of Love, It Is A Small Thing"

"The Hunger For Love Is Much More Difficult To Remove Then The Hunger For Bread"

"I Have Never Seen A War Before But I Have Seen Famine And Death. I Was Asking (Myself) What Do They Feel When They Do This? I Don't Understand It"

"Yes, You Must Have Live Life Beautifully And Not Allow The Spirit Of The World That Makes Gods Out Of Power, Riches, And Pleasure Make You To Forget That You Have Been Created For Greater Things"

"Don't Treat People As Bad As They Are, Treat Them As good As You Are"

"I Wanted To Become A Mother To The Poorest Of The Worlds Poor"

These Quotes are by Mother Teresa

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