Top 10 Inspirational Motivational Quotes #11

Swami Vivekananda
Swami Vivekananda

"If You Go On Practicing Meditation For Days, And Months, And Years, Until It Has Became A Habit, Until It will come to Inspite Of Yourself, Anger And Hatred Will Be Controlled And Checked"

"A Persons Asana (Posture) Must Be Steady And Pleasent, And Constant Practice, Identifying The Mind With The Infinite, Will Bring This About"

"The World Is The Gymnasium Where We Come To MAke Ourself Strong"

"Persistence With Focus Is The Key To The Treasure- House Of Knowledge"

"It May Be That I Shall Find It Good To Get Outside Of My Body - To Cast It Off Like A Disused Garment. But I Shall Not Cease To Work! I Shall Inspire Men Everywhere Until The World Shall Know That Its One With God "

"Meditation, You Know, Comes By A Process Imagination. You Go Through All These Processes Purification Of The Elements - Making The One Melt The Other That Into The Next Higher, That Into Mind, That Into Spirit And Then You Are Spirit"

"In Real Meditation, You Forget The Body. You May Be Cut To Piceses And Not Feel It At All. You Feel Such Pleasure In It. You Become So Light. This Perfect Rest We Will Get In Meditation"

"Neither Body Nor Mind Must Be Our Muster, Nor Must We Forget That The Body Is Mine, And Not I The Bodys"

"Mind Is The Master Of Body. Control Your Mind, Everything Else Will Be In Your Hands"

"The Mind Is The Master And The Body Is Your Servant"

These Quotes are by Swami Vivekananda


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