Top 10 Inspirational Motivational Quotes #3

Gautam Buddha
Gautam Buddha

"Desolve To Be Tended With The Young, Compassionate With The Aged, Sympathetic With The Striving, And Tolerant With The Weak And Wrong. Some Time In Your Life, You Will Have Been All Of These"

"Words Have The Power To Both Destroy And Heal. When Words Are Both True And Kind, They Can Change Our World"

"Understand That You Own Nothing, Everything That Surrounds You Is Temporary, Only The Love In Your Heart Will Last Forever"

"With Communication, There Is No Relationship. Without Respect, There Is No Love, Without Trust, There's No Reason To Continue"

"If You Focus On The Hurt, You Will Continue To Suffer. If You Focus On The Lesson, You Will Continue To Grow"

"Surround Yourself With People Who Make You Hungry For Life, Touch Your Heart, And Nourish Your Soul"

"Your Mind Is a Magnet: If You Always Think Of Blessings, You Attract More Blessings. If You Always Think Of Problems, You Attract More Problems. Always Keep Good Thought And Always Stay Positive"

"No Matter how educated, Talented, Rich Or Cool You Are, How You Treat People Ultimately Tells All Integrity Is everything"

"Stop Talking About Your Problems. Start Talking About Your Joys"

"No One sees How Much You Do For Them, They Only See What You Don't Do"

These Quotes Are By Gautam Buddha

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