Spiritual & Emotional Power Through Yoga

Yoga - Spiritual Healing

Everything in life is a retreats contribution of two factors, cause, and effect. In using medications to treat ailments, diseases, or illnesses, only the effect is addressed and not the root cause of the problem in the first place.

Cause And Effects
Cause And Effects

This then allows for the problem to keep reoccurring practice and further treatment has to be sought. It’s a vicious cycle that most people today take for granted as the medication often works quickly and satisfactorily to rid the problem.

Concentration Yoga
Concentration Yoga

The Holistic effect that is attained through yoga enables yoga practitioners to not only improve their physical strength and flexibility but also their emotions, mentality, and concentration. The spiritual aspect of yoga can help yogis develop an integration of the inner being well as oneness with the supreme consciousness.

What We Should Realize Through Yoga

Yoga is an ancient system of physical and mental practices that originated during the Indus Vally civilization in South Asia. The Fundamental purpose of yoga is to foster harmony in the body, mind, and environment. Yoga professes a complete system of physical mental, social, and spiritual development.

silence and willingness
silence and willingness

Yoga helps us get underneath the internal mental noise so that we can discover and realize the true divinity that exists within. It is in this silence and willingness to be with ourselves that we discover how to be guided by our own source of clarity, authenticity, and love. Yoga helps to lead us there.

Spirit  Within

Most main causes of diseases, ailments, and illnesses are poor diets, chemicals ingested in the form of medications, or the general attitude of the individual.

Yoga techniques address these very important aspects with postures and poses and deep breathing exercises. Besides the yoga regiment of exercises, there is also another side of yoga that one can specifically train on. This is the spiritual side of yoga. 

Deep Breathing Yoga
Deep Breathing Yoga

Spiritual yoga teaches the individual how to attain a simple outlook in life and not be too busy with the mind with always chasing material things to gain satisfaction. Yoga teaches how to get in touch with the inner human.

Through the poses and meditations, the inner self can become centered and thus create a very powerful energy source which in turn can provide the healing force necessary to heal. Being able to draw from this inner power should be the goal of every person’s spiritual harmony. 

The Holistic effect that is attained through yoga enables yoga practitioners to not only improve their physical strength and flexibility but also their emotions, mentality, and concentration. The spiritual aspect of yoga can help yogis develop an integration of the inner being well as oneness with the supreme consciousness.

Yoga brings together physical movements with philosophical thinking which equates to the beginnings of spiritual healing. The spiritual healing process works on three levels.

Energy Balancing through Meditation
Energy Balancing through Meditation
The balancing of energies thought the entire being and maintaining the equilibrium in the consciousness are the focal point.

Using yoga to achieve spiritual healing also does work to the overall benefit of the individual in terms of the reactions one has with the outer elements. With the peace and holistic nature of the individual now possess, little can cause negative effects in his or her life. 

Is Yoga Spiritual And Religion

Although yoga has its root in religion. It is not in itself a religion and is better understood as a spiritual practice. However, yoga has a strong philosophy- a philosophy that the spirit, the mind, and the body are one.

Benefits of Yoga

Practicing yoga can offer the following physical and mental health benefits:

  • Yoga increases flexibility and balance.
  • Yoga builds strength
  • Yoga improves heart health.
  • Yoga can ease back pain.
  • Yoga can improve arthritis symptoms.
  • Yoga can help you lose weight.
  • Yoga reduces stress and improves well-being

Emotional Healing - Yoga 

The emotional well-being of an individual is very important to maintaining good health and a good attitude in life. If a person’s emotional health is not at its optimum positive level then all other parts of the body start to break down over time. This negative process is so subtle that very few people if any see the connection at all.

Emotional Healing
Emotional Healing

Free Your Mind All emotions are considered sacred, it’s how these emotions are handled is where the problem lies.

In the practice of yoga, the individual learns how to calm the body and mind and teaches the mind how to reach a level of peace and contentment. When this is successfully understood and learned then the emotional healing process can take place.

Armed with the emotional strength derived from learning yoga the individual learns the difference between responding to a situation or conflict as opposed to reacting to it. 

Emotional healing helps the individual develop the thinking that reacting to negative situations, instinctively with emotions like anger, frustration, and grief can be controlled and turned into responding to the situation with a more positive attitude. 

This then allows the yoga technique to promote emotional healing from within to avoid any outside negative energy from seeping in. in this way the individual gets to stay connected to the spirit and truth of the inner self.

Self-identity with confidence
Self-identity with confidence

Healing emotionally through the use of yoga ensures the individual no longer looks upon a situation with the view of being victimized, rather this ability now gives the individual the strength to reinforce the self-identity with confidence.

On a cellular level, even the body cells imprint the corresponding emotions in our thoughts and replicate them in the cell makeup. Therefore connecting the healing pattern with the now optimum healing levels brings about both positive elements into the body and mind.

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