Top 10 Inspirational Motivational Quotes #15

Bhagavad Gita
Bhagavad Gita 
"Far Better To Live Your Own Path Imperfectly Than To Live Another Perfectly"

"This Knowledge Is The King Of Education, The Most Secret Of All Secrets. It Is The Purest Knowledge, And Because It Gives Direct Perception Of The Self By Realization, It Is The Perfection Of Religion. It Is Everlasting, And It Is Joyful Performed"

"Do Not Be Too Naive In Your Behaviour, As The Trees That Stand Stright In A Forest Are The Ones To Get Chopped First. And Those That Are Crooked And Twisted are Left Standing"

"Each And Every Action Is A Being Guided By Natures Destiny, The Fool Who Is Full OfEgo Thinks That He Is The Doer"

"If One Offers Me With Love And Devotion A Leaf, A Flower, A Fruit Or Water, I Will Accept It"

"With Sword In Hand, Intelligent Men Cut Through The Binding Knots Of reactionary Work ( Karma ) By Remembering Lord Krishna"

"You Reap What You Saw. Karma Is The Consequences, Both Good And Bad, That Are Brought To You Based On your Actions, Good And Bad. You Are Judged For your Actions"

"Karma Is A Gift That Brings You Lessons For Your Souls Personal Growth, And Will Continue To Bring These Lessons Back Around Until You Have Learned Them"

"The Lord Is Not Partial Toward Anyone"

"Darkness Cannot Drive Out Darkness, Only Light Can Do That. Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate, Only Love Can DoThat"

These Quotes Are From Bhagavad Gita

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