In Affiliate Marketing Major Mistakes Done By Marketers #3

6 – Not Tracking Results 
Still, you’ll shortly start to wonder which of your marketing labors is the most constructive, If you start seeing a good number of sales. You’ll obviously want to concentrate additional of your labor on those systems that are making you the most Dollars. But what if you have no idea which fields to concentrate on because you don’t know which systems are working? 

Tracking, relatively simply, lets you experience where your business is coming from and where it’s going. Simple tracking is as simple as using a tracking law through your affiliate program. 

Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketing

For instance, you can generate a unique tracking ID for each website you enjoy on the Amazon affiliate network. Or if you promote things through another affiliate network, you can add a custom code word to your affiliate links to allow you to find out where every deal you relate came from.
You could also go into much additional detail by using your own affiliate tracking script that will allow you much more detailed information about your clicks and deals. This is an advanced capability, so you might not need it right off. But you surely need SOME sort of tracking in place so you can settle out which of your systems is working smart! 

7 – Giving Up Too Quickly

Still, I’d be actually rich right now, If I had a dollar for every person I’ve seen give up trying to make dollars online. The internet is littered with blogs that have only one or two posts, and affiliate accounts that noway transfer the first referral. 
 What are some common reasons for giving up? 

• Not making dollars too speedily 
• Not getting business speedily 

• Not getting accepted to multiple affiliate networks 
• Feeling like it’s too major work 

• Thinking affiliate marketing is a “ fraud” 

Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketing

The one thing ultimate of this stuff have in common is awaiting effects to come overnight. Affiliate marketing isn’t a “ fraud” just because you didn’t make $ or indeed $ your first month. You can’t expect to take a brand new domain with no backlinks to page views a month right down. This stuff takes time. 

Still, you’ll noway know what could have been, If you give up too soon. You noway know, you could be the coming internet millionaire, but you’ll no way know if you give up before it happens! 


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