In Affiliate Marketing Major Mistakes Done By Marketers #4

8 – Competition Fear 

A lot of people try to stick to the “ low hanging fruit” because they’ve been told that’s what they should do as newbies. Or they do it because they’re afraid that they’ll never be suitable to battle against the millions of other websites out there. 

You can race in any niche! I’ve known complete newbies who managed to crack super-tough niches like MMO and weight loss right off the bat. Is this likely? Of course not. Is it possible? certainly. 

I don’t advise new affiliate marketers to attack these extremely tough niches promptly, but you don’t have to choose tiny, obscure niches that aren’t likely to make you more money, either. However, it’s because there’s not more money there If there’s no major competition. 

Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketing

Trust me, there are no “ undiscovered” or “ untapped” niches right now. There may have been a few years ago, but that vessel has sailed. However, it’s earlier making someone capitalist, If it’ll make money. doubtless a lot of people. 

Don’t fear competition, just be cautious of it. You want competition, trust me. The too major competition is a delicate thing to overcome, but choose niches that have a decent quantity of competition, because that’s where the money is. 

9 – Ignoring Competition 


While it’s important not to fear competition, it’s also important to be sensible. hoping to make a fortune overnight in a super-competitive niche like weight loss is a sure strategy for disappointment. 

What you need to do at the start is target niches that 


1. Have a healthy quantity of competition 

2. Don’t have so much competition that it’s difficult to get          business 

3. You have some interest or knowledge in 

However, it'll be harder to make content, harder to identify with your target demand, If you have absolutely no interest or knowledge in a niche. 

Do you need to be an expert to conquer a demand? Absolutely not! In fact, you could likely do well in a niche that you know nothing about, just learning as you go. 

But if you have absolutely no interest in the subject, it’s going to make it much, much easier to give up. You’ll simply get fed up because your workday becomes alike a grind that you’ll throw your hands up in frustration and flip on the TV or head out to the lake. 



So how do you choose your first limited niches? 

Make a list of some content you have an interest in. I’d say 10-20 contents would be enough to get started. 


Now check to make sure there are 

• Affiliate products to promote 

• A decent quantity of competition 

• Resources available for you to learn from 

• Traffic sources you can take advantage of 

As far as competition, you want to look for niches that have at least existing websites. Indeed a many million isn’t a big deal. Fifty million might be pushing it unless you have money to pay for the original promotion. 

You can find out how multiple websites there's mention your content by searching Google. I search multi-word phrases in quotations to be sure I get an accurate number. 

I searched for “ golf” and got “ About results.” Yikes. Over a billion! A search for “ gluten-free” came up with “ About results.” Better, but still fairly big. “ Pasta makers” came up with “ About results”. That’s definitely much more reasonable. 


Don’t fear competition, but be reasonable about it! 

Affiliate marketing isn’t for the faint of heart, or for people who find that they tend to give up too easily or jump around from one glowing new thing to another without thinking. 

It’s actually a lot of hard work, and it takes time to make resources like blog traffic and email lists. There are no lanes unless you have the cash to spend for content creation, buying existing websites with traffic, or paying for email subscribers or social network followers. 

Always keep these possible mistakes in mind as you navigate your way through the precarious world of affiliate marketing. Be sure you’re not making these mistakes, and don’t turn careless once you start making money. No one is exempt from these mistakes! 

As long as you work hard, keep at it, and avoid these misjudgments, you’re certain to start making money. 

But if you give up, I can guarantee you’ll fail! 

 Good luck! 


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