Tips And Tricks About WordPress SEO #4

6. Leverage Your Images. 

Leverage Your Images.
Leverage Your Images 

Each time you upload an image, make sure to tag it with appropriate “title” and “alternate text” tags to assist your search engine rank. The “title” is also what appears when someone tries to “pin” your image to Pinterest. 

  • First, open the image you want to upload to your site.
  • Next, resize the image to the correct dimensions.
  • Then, go to Compress JPEG and upload your image.
  • Finally, save your image and upload it to your site.

7. Improve Your Sidebars. 

Use this tutorial to populate the sidebar areas of your site with content that can be dynamically selected and displayed based on several different parameters that you specify. 

Side Bar

When it comes down to it, sidebar links aren't likely to ruin your SEO especially if you're smart about the links you include. However, they're also not likely to help boost your ranking. 

Sidebar backlinks aren't seen as incredibly valuable, regardless of how they're placed or where they point to. You Can Put These Below In SideBar.

  • The “About Me” Bio.
  • Social Media Follow Buttons.
  • Newsletter Signup.
  • Testimonials.
  • Search.
  • Recommended or Featured Posts.
  • Categories and/or Archives.

8. Add Page Numbers to Blog Post Comments. 

Add Page Number
Add Page Number

If you have a particularly active community of users who comment on your blog posts, use a plugin such as WP Paginate to add page numbers to your comment pages. 

9. Hide Certain Post Categories From Your Home Page. 

WP Hide Post Plugin
WP Hide Post Plugin

Install the PE Category Filter to keep certain categories of posts off your home page, but still, keep them available on other portions of your site. 

  • Go to Plugins - Add New
  • Search for “WP Hide Post”
  • Install and activate the plugin
  • Create a new post or edit an existing one
  • On the right-hand side, find the “Post Visibility” box created by the plugin
  • Check the option to hide that specific post

10. Let Users Register or Comment with Facebook. 

Face Book Plugin
Facebook Plugin 

There are many different ways you can integrate your site with Facebook. The Simple Facebook Connect plugin is one of the best and easiest ways to start.

11. Make Sure Everything is Current. 

This should almost go without saying, but take a few minutes today to make sure that your WordPress install, your plugins, and your current theme are all current. 

Update Notification System
Update Notification System

WordPress comes with a built-in update notification system. It highlights the number of available updates when you log into your WordPress dashboard. All you need to do is visit the Dashboard » Updates page and install those updates.

12. Enable Avatars. 

To make your commenting environment more personal, you can enable avatars in the - Settings - Discussion area of your dashboard. 

Enable Avatar
Enable Avatar 
You can now manage your profile photo, or avatar, right on This avatar, powered by a service called Gravatar, is the image that represents your online. 

13. Check Your Site as a Visitor. 

If you’re only viewing your site through your admin dashboard, you may be missing out if something weird happens to the display. Logout of WordPress then reload your site to verify.


14. Display a Random Post as a Tweet. 

You beef up your Twitter account by using this simple plugin to automatically display a random post as a tweet.

By default, WordPress lists your blog posts in reverse chronological order (from newest to oldest). This allows users to see your latest posts first.

Display A Random
 Display a Random

However, most users will not get to see your older articles. If you have been running your site for quite some time now, then your older articles will not be prominently displayed anywhere.

One way to overcome this is by making internal linking a habit. Linking to your older articles in new posts will help users discover them. It will also increase your pageviews and Improve your SEO Score.

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