Top 10 Inspirational Motivational Quotes #3

Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa

"Don't Expect Your Friend To Be A Perfect Person" But, " Help Your Friend To Become Aa Perfect Person" That's True Friendship!

"People are Often Unresponsible And Self-centered. Forgive Them Anyway"

" If You Are Kind, People May Accuse You Of Ulterior Motives. Be Kind Anyway. If You Are Honest, People May Cheat You, Be Honest Anyway"

"If You Find Happiness, People May Be Jealous. Be Happy Anyway"

"The Good You Do Today May Be Forgotten Tomorrow"

"Do Good. Give The World The Best You Have And It May Never Be Enough. Give Your Best Anyway"

"For You See, In The End, It Is Between You And God. It Was Never Between You And Them Anyway"

"When You Talk To Them, Put All Of Your Love And Sweetness Into Your Words Or Rather Ask God To Speak Through You"

"God Said, "I Am The Truth", And It Is Your Duty And Mine To Speak The Truth. Then It Is Up To The Person Who Hears It Whether To Accept Or Reject It"

"God Has Not Called Me To Be Successful He Called Me To Be Faithful"

These Quotes are by Mother Teresa

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